The LORD has listened to my request. The LORD accepts my prayer.
Psalm 6:9 CEB
As a result of God listening to our prayers, we pray for spiritual growth, encouragement, a deeper connection with God, and a sense of church family with the True Freedom Church. Therefore, we have Prayer Ministers dedicated to praying for people who may request a word of prayer to help them in a time of need. We want to pray for you! Our prayer team is passionate about praying for those in need. Simply submit a confidential prayer request, and our prayer team will pray for you.
How do I submit a prayer request?
You can send in a prayer request online.
Connection Card: When you attend a weekly service, write in your request on the CONNECTION CARD in the section, “How can we pray for you?” and give it to an usher or drop it in the offering plate.
In-Person After Each Service: Prayer Ministers would love to pray with you in person immediately at the end of each service.
For your privacy:
ONLY our Prayer Ministers and Church Staff/Pastors will receive your prayer requests;
Your prayer requests will NOT be posted in any form to be read by our general congregation.